Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013

The journey to England

On October 2012 the class 9a drove to the exchange students to England. They all were happy to meet their exchange students and their family. After the departure the teacher assigned the students to the right families. Archie Andrews lived at Jughead Jones´s house, Betty Coop at Madge Clump´s house, Veronica Lodge at Nancy Woods´s house, Moose Mason at Reggie Mantle´s house and Chuck Clayton with his dog called “ Hot Dog “ at Dilton Dooley´s house.
When they arrived in England they all met at the Jack Jonson School. After the greeting they went to the families of the exchange students. Most of the families ate fish and chips for dinner.

On the next day they drove to the coast. Afterwards they went to the town and walked through the shops and bought ice cream. The time went by quickly and at lunch they went to McDonalds to buy
a meal. Then they made a trip to the Natural History Museum.
On the next day they drove to London. They visited the London Eye, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the Thames, St. Paul´s Cathedral, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge and the Olympic Stadium.

One day later was the family day and many families went to the swimming pool or played Mini-Golf. In the evening the families met each other for a big bowling match with their guests from Germany and the teachers. Every family had one alley for playing. During the match there was very modern music. When they got hungry they all went to the bowling restaurant and ate lettuce with tomatoes, cheese, bacon, gherkin, mushrooms radish and a dressing.
After the last bowling round the winner was Veronica Lodge with her guest family. This night they all slept quickly.
In the morning after breakfast all German and English students met at 9 o`clock with their teachers at “Jack Jonson School “. A big red bus drove them from school to “Victoria Zoo “. After they arrived at the zoo the sun shone very warm for an autumn day. On their way to the ibex enclosure they had to go up the steep steps. The huge rocks were build like the real mountains. The ibex jumped from rock to rock.
The students went on in small groups and came to the lions. A male lion, three female lions and two lion babies were in the enclosure. After that they visited some more animals.

On the next day they said goodbye to their English students and drove home with the thought to come back next year.

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