Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012

The wizard Dimblego

Once upon a time, there was a wizard named Dimblego!
He had a magic book, for his spells and drinks, a magic stick, to do his tricks, and a speaking crow named Rudi!
Rudi was a very clever crow, he helped the wizard when he forgot things!
One day the wizard wanted to mix a magic drink, he said the recipe: “Two Frogeye´s, one cup of blood and a … what´s this ..?“ The wizard saw the letters of his magic book disappear. He couldn´t explain what happened but he was in a hurry and he thought he would remember all ingredients. In addition, he had Rudi to help! He thought!!
Therefore, he started mixing and asked Rudi: “Do you remember my drink?“ However, Rudi said: “Sorry Dimblego, I didn´t listen. I had to catch a yummy worm for my dinner.”
Poor Dimblego, rolled with his eyes and tried alone. However, something went wrong, because after drinking the mixture he transformed into a horse!
He thought about how to transform back. Then the wizard had an idea “My friend Mary, the witch, she can help me!“ After that Dimblego rode to Mary, as he arrived he said: “Hello my friend, can you help me?“ “Hello Dimblego, nice to see you. Wait a minute, I look into my magic book!“, answered Mary! Five minutes later she came back “Sorry Dimblego, I haven´t  got a spell or a drink for you! However, a kiss can transform you back!“ The witch kissed the wizard and he transformed back to himself! “Thank you Mary! Can you bring me home? ”
“Oh that is very simple to do.“  She used her magic stick and suddenly Mary and Dimblego landed on a marketplace in the Dragon time, they were on a time travel! “Oh no!“, said Dimblego. Mary used the wand again but instead of coming home, Dimblego transformed into a knight …and everyone around them had seen the transformation. “Mary!! What are you doing!?“ “Sorry Dimblego ….“, answered the witch! Abruptly there was a loud noise. A DRAGON!! All the people came and screamed: “FIGHT THE DRAGON!  FIGHT THE DRAGON!“ Dimblego went to the monster and the fight began! One hour later, the dragon was dead! The people were so thankful for that, that they wanted to help Dimblego and the witch and so they brought them the ingredients for the mixture to bring them home!  And they lived happily ever after!

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