Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

A story of a wizard

The wizard mixed a drink, transformed into a horse, and stayed a horse. He lost his magic book. He used his magic stick to find his magic book and he found his book.
The wizard had a crow and he enchanted the crow so it could talk. It tells the wizard: “Do a time travel”. And the wizard did it. He forgot to change the time wheel because it was broken. He arrived in the past. He used his magic stick again and he came back to his time.
After that, he used a magical spell. The wizard transformed into a knight. Nevertheless, he was in the middle of a battlefield. He had to fight with a dragon. The dragon was very dangerous a spat fire. The knight ran quickly behind a big stone and thought about what to do. He had an idea. He took his magic stick and spoke a spell. Suddenly the dragon transformed into a nice witch. She said: “Thank you! I am happy because I won’t be a danger and bad dragon.”
She gave the knight a kiss and he transformed back in a wizard. The wizard took the hand of the witch, they went back to his house, and there they lived happy and satisfied.

Dimblego's time travel

Once upon a time, the Wizard Dimblego mixed a special drink.  After he tried it, he transformed into a horse. He could not speak any more he had four legs. Poor Dimblego! However, he could read. Therefore, he had a look in his magic book, where he read that he would maybe be a horse forever.
A week later Dimblego saw an old witch. She lived in a little house in the woods. Dimblego found her at her forage. She had a big black crow. The crow could speak. Dimblego thought: ”It would be very nice, if I were able to talk, too. But I can’t talk.” Dimblego went along. On the ground there was sleeping a green dragon. The horse went by very quietly, but behind there was a little branch on the ground. Suddenly the dragon stood there and faced Dimblego. Dimblego was in fear. The dragon had very big feet and big eyes. The dragon fought against the horse.
Suddenly the horse threw its magic stick into the dragon and the green monster fell into a long deep sleep. Dimblego gave it a kiss and in the dragon’s eyes, he could see the old witch on her broom. However, Dimblego could not see the letters in his magic book any more. All the letters were gone. He opened his eyes and then he was the old wizard Dimblego again. Dimblego said:” I was in a time travel.”

Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012

Dimblego's adventure

Last week it was Dimblego the wizard’s birthday and his girlfriend the witch gave him a present. It was a crow! He was very happy that now he would never be alone again. The next day the wizard took his magic book with all the magical spells, to find out how to transforms a rabbit into a frog. However, when Dimblego opened the book, he saw that the letters were disappearing. He searched everywhere and when he found the letters Dimblego didn´t know how to get the letters back in the book. Then he had an idea. The wizard went to the witch who lived in an old tower. Immediately she had an idea, how to get the letters back in the book. The witch mixed a drink and threw the letters into the drink. Then she took a spoon and put the drink on the pages.

Finally, the wizard could read everything again. He thanked her and went home. The following day he didn´t find his magical stick. Suddenly his crow Abraksas came and brought his magical stick. Then Dimblego wanted to make a time travel. He travelled to the 15th century. There Dimblego transformed into a knight. In the town where he was, was a thing that looked like a monster that only appeared at night. The wizard walked through the town that night, in order to search the monster. Suddenly he heard a rustle. The monster stood behind the wizard. It was a dragon. Dimblego fought it and killed the dragon. Then he conjured himself into the 27th century. He was happy to be at home again to see Abraksas. The next day was boring for the wizard and he thought about what to do. Then he had an idea. Dimblego mixed a magical drink for himself and swallowed it afterwards. Suddenly something happened. The wizard transformed into a horse. He tried everything, but he couldn´t cancel the transformation. Therefore, the wizard was sad and cried. After a few days, the witch wanted to visit the wizard. Therefore, she knocked on the door of the wizard. He opened the door and the witch looked at him with big eyes. She had pity for the wizard and she gave him a kiss. Because of this kiss, the wizard got his real shape back. The two were so happy about this and conjured a big castle for themselves where they lived together for a long time.

A crazy day

On a beautiful summer day, the wizard Dimblego sat in his laboratory and mixed a magic potion. He drank just a sip and transformed into a horse. He searched for his magic book and as he found it, he read a counter-spell. The crow sitting on his back, groaned: ”Wrong counter-spell! Wrong counter-spell!” However, Dimblego had already expressed the spell.

Suddenly the crow and Dimblego were in Antarctica. The crow said trembling: “You-have-read-out-the-time-travel-entitlement!” The wizard must thought of a place and now he was there. Because he thought of the life of dragons as interesting, he thought of this place. They landed at a place with lots of dragons. The crow got frightened and cried. One of the dragons was enraged and attacked them. He threw Dimblego and his crow in back and forward and from Left to right. The crow cried: “Think of our home!” The wizard did and they were back at home. He stood in front of his magic book that presented him a new spell. The crow cried again: “Wrong counter-spell! Wrong counter-spell!”  Dimblego wasn´t a horse but also not wizard - he was a knight. He sat down and wept. The page he needed was gone. He used his wand and said: “Give me a trip for me again and I am I.”

It rang at the door. Normally Dimblego never was visited except by the other magicians. It was the boss of the witches. Witches and wizard hate each other nevertheless he let her inside. He fell in love with her and asked her for her name. She answered: “Jabsulda. My name is Jabsuda.  And what about you?” They sit on the sofa and Dimblego told her the whole story. She said: “There is only one thing to do!” He looked at her and she came closer. She kisses him. Everything began to shine, and he was not a knight anymore and turned into himself again.